Happy Akshaya Tritiya 2021 Festival Date And Time In India (अक्षय तृतीया की तिथि)


अक्षय तृतीया 2021 में कब है,happy akshaya tritiya images

Akshaya Tritiya 2021,2021 में आखातीज कितनी तारीख की है,akshya tritiya date,akshaya tritiya,अक्षय तृतीया 2021 में कब है,akshya tritiya date,akshaya tritiya,2021 में आखातीज कितनी तारीख की है,akshaya tritiya 2021


Readers welcome to our website AG Trick, In this website you will get latest updates such as breaking news, India live news, Festival Dates Information and many more.Today we will says about Akshya Tritiya 2021 Date and Times in Hindu Calendar.

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What is Akshaya Tritiya ?

Akshaya Tritiya is the One of the Festival of Hindu Festival in India. This festival is also known as Akshaya Trutiya(अक्षय तृतीया),akha teej,aksha teej,आखातीज in some states in india.This Hindu festival falls in third day of Shukla Paksha /Pakshya (Lunar Day) on Indian calendar month of Vaisakha /Baishakha

But akshaya tritiya 2021 in odisha celebrates 15 May 2021.

What to do on Akshaya Tritiya ?

On this occasion most people of India buy gold jewellery and most people makes new projects inauguration.

What to buy on akshaya tritiya ?

This festival most people of india can buy gold jewellery.

Akshaya Trutiya Tithi,Date

Akshaya Tritiya Date & DayMay 14,2021 (Friday)
Shubh Muhurat (Timing)5:40 am to 12 :18 pm (IST)
I hope this information will help you for finding akshaya tritiya date and time in india,so please daily visit our website join our telegram channel for latest updates.

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